Hello, world

12 May 2020 — Written by Eiffel

Hello and welcome to my blog!

It will be dedicated to computer science so here is a hello world to start it:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void){
	printf("hello, world\n");


"hello, world"?

But why do we use the string "hello world" to illustrate the basic syntax of a programming language?

In fact, the first program example of The C Programming Language book prints the string "hello, world" to the standard output.

So, printing this string became de facto the classical example to highlight a programming language's syntax!


Instead of using return 0; to signal that my program exits successfully I rather use EXIT_SUCCESS macro. This macro (and its opposite EXIT_FAILURE) makes the code system independent.

Indeed, for some operating system (Virtual Memory System according to this post) the return 1; signals the program exits correctly.